Men’s Ministry

Men’s Breakfast

August 3 | 8-9:30am
Men of WCC, we’d love for you to join us on Saturday, August 3, for a delicious home-cooked breakfast at the church! Enjoy bacon and eggs while connecting with other men at WCC. The breakfast will be from 8-9:30am and costs $5.


Men’s 246 Groups

Groups meet from October to May.
Calling all men! Men’s 246 groups are now forming. Groups will meet for 2 hours each month, watch a short video & discuss 4 questions, and consist of 6 guys in each group. Please fill out this form to indicate your availability. Groups will meet once a month from Oct-May. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” [Prov 27:17].
The name for 246 groups comes from Acts 2:46, “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” We want the men of WCC to meet together, learn together, break bread together, and grow together as you dig into God’s Word.
For this season of 246 groups, we will be focusing on our need to be men who are committed to God’s Word. 
Email Randy if you you have any questions.

Men’s Breakfast Group:

Meet with other guys at 9am on the first Tuesday of each month for an informal breakfast time filled with conversation, friendships, and encouragement. Meet at the Wentzville Bob Evans. Contact Randy Diebel for more info.

Annual Spring Event:

Events vary, but have included cookouts, fishing, axe throwing, target range shooting, serving at WCC ministry partner organizations, and other guy stuff.

Annual Fall Event:

The first Saturday in October is the annual Men’s Cornhole Tournament and Chili Cookoff…it’s legendary! Bring a teammate or pair up with someone at the event. Enter a pot of chili into the contest or just come and enjoy the food and competition. This event serves as the kickoff to the Men’s 246 Group season.